For the last 11 years I have called Koh Samui home, it is a small island; only 25km at its widest point located in the south of Thailand. The weather is typically dry and tropical offering temperatures in the high 20’s C. /mid to high 80’s F. year round. Samui is the launching spot for some 60 surrounding islands and other tourist destinations such as Koh Phangan, famous for its Full Moon Party, Koh Tao with its deep sea diving and Ang Thong National Park. My island Paradise is very much like Las Vegas; what happens on Samui stays on Samui and no matter what the rest of the country is doing Samui plays by its own rules.
My home is one of the top 3 tourist destinations in Thailand, largely due to location. Consequently every day is Friday and there is a conscious effort by the business community which is made up mostly of bars, restaurants and some 300 resorts and hotels to promote a party atmosphere, for the huge influx of international tourist that arrive every day on the hour 365 days a yr.
When it comes to food and drink Samui is my temptation island, the Full Moon Party attracts as many as 30,000 revelers every month, mostly European youth in their 20’s and 30’s with insatiable thirst for cold beer and unlimited energy to dance until sunrise. The Bar scene is full on and in your face, there is no red light district for the pole dancers and girly bars they are located on nearly every corner, as are the restaurants with delicacies being prepared by chefs from around the world offering cuisine from Russia, Sweden, Holland, Libya, India, France, Italy, England, America and of course Thailand, just to name a few.
After 10 years I have become pretty good about being able to control my temptations and diet by setting limits on how much libation I partake and doing the things I know I should while staying away from doing the things I shouldn’t but there remains 3 major factors that disrupt my eating and drinking habits;
1. Travel; one of the perks in living in an international tourist destination is the number of hotels with great executive chefs. When I leave the island it is not easy to eat the way I do from my own kitchen which means I pack as many healthy snacks as possible for the road trip such as nuts, raisins and fruit but once I am at my destination the hotels offer beautiful buffets with incredible selections of all types of food. I could order off the menu or go out to dine but I love food and I feel it is such a waste of an opportunity to not taste the Chef’s work; caviar, pastry, and steaks, these meals will typically run more than 4,000 calories.
2. Guest; when friends come to visit me they are coming from far away points such as Russia, England, Sweden, Estonia, Finland, Holland, Germany, Bali and America, I feel it is only right that I take them out for a good meal, and again these meals will be 4,000 plus calories.
3. Finally the worst temptation for me is a special event called The Samui Regatta; a sailing tournament held every year with competitors coming to Samui from great distances such as Japan, Australia, Singapore and China and these sailors arrive thirsty and hungry. It is not the race day that concerns me with my diet although over the years I have had a few all day sessions but it is the fact that the Regatta is a weeklong event, and every night is a special celebration with all you can eat and drink service. I have learned to become more like a hermit crab during this time of year and hideaway in my compound and only join in on one or two events but this year is particularly difficult because I have just spend 10 days on the road cruising buffets and even though I had a few 4,000 calorie meals I managed to hold my will power, drop weight and win the battle of self control but now the Regatta is here and I have a dear friend in from the UAE who is leaving soon and he has made it clear to me that we will participate in the festivities.

Thus far this week, I managed to avoid the Regatta’s opening night Gala held at the Brazilian restaurant; that would have been a real colon buster. I have declined offers to join in on the spectator boats festivities; a full day of wine and food. I am doing my best to get through this week without gaining weight, if I do I believe my wife should give me a medal for my super human will power but if I have learned anything in life it is better not to speak too soon so I will just keep my mouth shut and wait to see what uncorks as the week progresses.