Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Tune In

Over the last few threads I have touched on the importance of accepting ourselves.  As I have stated before I do not believe that being fat, overweight and out of shape is anything to be proud of however I do not believe that being embarrassed, ashamed, or guilty is healthy either.  In my opinion self acceptance is the avenue to sustained personal development.   Having said this, it is impossible to honestly accept what we refuse to see.
Denial is probably one of the single most self imposed obstacles that stand in the way of reaching a personal best.   The effect of being in denial is like walking through life with blinders on; we just don’t see ourselves for who we really are.   What is worse about being in denial is when the truth faces us we typically externalize and place responsibility everywhere but where it belongs; on ourselves. 
As a Fat Man in Paradise, I have lived in denial and I understand what it is to ignore the obvious. When I think back to when I weighed 160kg/352lb I remember many of the messages telling me to put my house in order but I ignored my inner voice and behaved as if I weighed 165lb.   
Here are a few examples of messages sent and rationalized.
·         Breaking furniture:  I have lost count of how many chairs have collapsed under my girth.  typically I always wondered; why don’t people throw out”these old, cheap chairs?”  
·         Airplane seat too small:  The seats began to feel like a vice and bruising my hips, I was sure that the airlines were making them smaller to pack in more passengers.
·         Maternity extension for seat belt:  This one almost got me motivated when I saw that the strap was at its end and still not long enough but then I was sure the belt was shorter for the smaller seats.
·         Bar stool too small:  It took two stools for me to sit; shifting a cheek from one seat to the next.  I just couldn’t believe that the owner was so inconsiderate to buy chairs that only skinny people can sit in.
·         Restaurant booths too small: The table tops were installed wrong consequently I had to squeeze in.
·         Breaking toilet seats: All but impossible to find a plastic toilet seat that did not crack; just not making things like they used too.
·         Can’t tie shoe strings without sitting down:  The shoe laces aren’t as long as they use to be.
·         Refused access to rides:  max weight of 91kg/ 200lb is ridiculously low!  (and it is)
·         Refused access to vehicles:  What do you mean I have to pay for two?
I’ll stop at 9, they all send the same message; “you are too fat, drop some weight”. 
Our inner voices are talking to us all the time and typically they have a good message and if we don’t tune in and listen the signal to change is lost.    IMO we must own who we are; I am fat, I accept that I am fat and I accept that I can do the things that I need to do to get fit and healthy.  Armed with the truth we can move forward;   I intend to exchange my unhealthy behavior for a well balanced fun way of life.  I am not ashamed of who I am, I am not embarrassed by who I am and I do not feel guilty about who I am. I accept that the only person I can hold accountable is me.
Life is all about acceptance, accept yourself, and accept your greatness and be honest. Tune in to your higher self and follow your path to joy and happiness.
Go have some fun,

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