Sunday, April 1, 2012

Melancholy Drift


 “It’s spring like here about 70 in day time, still have that suspension that winter could still happen though. It’s been a mild winter but it never seems short any more. I think of beaches in Ko Samui, St. Thomas, Cozumel, Bali, and Florida, all the ones I have had the pleasure to lie on and think of palm trees lately. I feel that winter’s here are too long or that maybe I am too old for enjoyment of the white stuff anymore. I hope this feeling of melancholy drifts away, like days of my life just floating like a single white cloud in the azure Colorado skies, from one horizon to the other. Out of the funk must come my thoughts of melancholy drift “

By: DDW.


I am not the type of person that puts credence in what others think or say about me but I do value my own opinion.  History has proven that I would not be where I am or dare to do the things I do if it were not for the fact that I regularly tell myself;  I am special, I am able and I can do whatever I set my mind to doing. 

7 certificates in 12 months
Last week I realized that my sense of purpose has been off kilter.  I have been in a mood, some may call it stressed others may call it depressed; a rose is a rose by any other name.  Living life in a mood is similar to being a robot; going through the motions without any feeling.

Moods have physical consequences, a stress Harmon called Cortisol accumulates and is released which slows the metabolism and makes weight control more complicated.  Fright and flight causes the impulses to binge eat and drink; another road block to weight control.  Depression makes the routine of training seem unimportant and just a chore to get through which reduces the effectiveness of daily training.

The doughnut or the hole

On any given day, there are dozens of reason to be stressed, depressed or in a mood; the option is a personal choice.  What I choose to focus on is what determines my mood; am I only seeing what I need to do, have not done and my failings or am I appreciating what I have accomplished and making rational assessments of my progress?

The Tiger syndrome
decline push up
Anything short of a Victory is failing when I am being affected by the Tiger syndrome.   Tiger Woods places in the money time after time but the sports reporters only focus on the number of days and tournaments since his last victory.  I get in a mood because I don’t drop the weight I anticipate or my fat belly does not shrink the way I want.  I completely invalidate my overall progress because I am not getting what I want from the work I am putting in.  The Tiger syndrome is a sickness that eliminates the joy of all the small victories.
I did it
Steps to breaking a Mood

The single most important factor in breaking a mood is recognizing that I am in one and secondly accepting that it is a choice to be happy or sad, relaxed or stressed.

From a health and fitness stand point doing a physical assessment puts my progress in perspective which leads me back to a healthy attitude and lifestyle.
push up with the ball

A simple test includes:

·         Blood pressure: rested

·         Pulse after exertion: squats

·         Flexibility: toe touches or back bends

·         Lower back strength: Sit ups

·         Upper body strength: Pushups or pull ups

·         Balance: one legged stand

·         Endurance: how long can I go
standard push up

I can honestly say that when I was 19 years old I could not do the number of pushups or pull ups that I do today.  When I was 30 years old I did not have the stamina or the ability to match the number of sit ups  I can today.  I am 56 years old later this month; I can bench press my own body weight, deprive myself of sleep for 24 hours without fatigue, and train 6 days a week. 

Attitude of gratitude

It is true that physically I am not where I want to be and I anticipate the day that I will be.  As a fat man in paradise it is good medicine to remember where I was before.   I am special, I am able and I can do whatever I set my mind to do.  

Go have some fun,



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