Sunday, January 8, 2012

Coconuts are my role model

almost ready for harvest
The other day my two sons and I were returning home from an outing when the youngest proclaimed: “I have nothing to play with”.  The oldest boy and I looked at each other and laughed in amazement and confusion because I don’t think either of us know a kid who has, as many toys, games, balls, bikes, animals, musical instruments, puzzles, DVD, and computer toys, and junk as Phoenix.   I realized it was just his way of saying: “I am bored” so rather than go into a tangent of listing all the things he has, I asked if he would guess: what his brother Popee had to play with when he was a youngster?  When Popee was growing up, he loved playing with coconuts. He would kick them like footballs, run with them, throw, paint and talk to them.  Popee loved his coconuts and I was very happy that he did.
A gift that keeps giving

 The Balinese are excellent at getting everything there is to get from the fruit.  I never realized how versatile it is until I watched them work with it.  Between cooking, carving, eating, drinking, burning and replanting, I don’t think there is any part of it that goes to waste. 

The coconut is versatile.

1.       When the fruit is green its bounty is nectar, and meat   

2.       The husk can be dried and used for seasoning on the BBQ

3.        The burned husk can now be recycled into BBQ charcoal

4.       The hard shell is dried, cut, polished and used for handcrafts, cooking tools, and utensils  

5.       The meat is shredded and squeezed

6.       1st press coconut cream

7.       2nd pressed coconut milk

8.       If not cooked for oil the shred will be eaten

9.       Slow cooked shred for oil

10.   Toy for children and adults

Green, Ripe, Creamed, Milked, Aged, Oiled and Burned.

I was on the tread mill and feeling like the tin man; stiff and in need of lubricating.  This made me reflect on days gone by when I was very green; when I could do anything, jump from tall places, run from morning to night, never tire or hurt.  As teen, I was still green but big, fresh and full of energetic juices ready to be tapped.  In my twenties the Seasons and years of nurturing came together and I reached maturity; physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and financially.  In my thirties I began milking, refining, and processing all that I had become and in my 50’s I am on my 4th press and still milking whatever creative and productive juices I have in me.  I am planning on another 45 yrs of milking my shred before I am oiled and turned to soil.

Its inspiring to see folks starting new careers after their kids have grown and watching others who have retired after 30yr careers, departing on new journeys such as living on sail boats and going in whatever direction the wind blows.  Many look at these types of people with skepticism and think they are nuts.  I call them coconuts; versatile, durable and sustainable to the very end.

 I want to be a coconut when I grow up.
just do it

 Go have some fun,


vivre joyeusement et en bonne santé

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