Janet Jackson
The Monkeys
“That Was Then and This is Now” and “What Have you Done for Me lately” lyric that speak for your body.
I believe it is human nature to rest on our past accomplishments. In a previous blog I wrote about the memory body. The core message of that blog was that whatever we do today will be with us tomorrow. The more we do today; to make ourselves stronger, smarter, and healthier the better we will be tomorrow.
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Our body is demanding, our mind is a sponge, and our spirit is compelling. Every physical movement, each cook book read, fitness video watched, personal wellbeing lesson learned, energizes us towards a long healthy, fit life.
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It is okay to take a break and it is also important to keep feeding the body with new material. I meet far too many people who tell me how much they enjoy riding bikes, playing sport, practicing yoga, or going to the gym who when queried realize they have not done any of these things in 20 yrs. Time passes quickly and if we are not careful a decade will have flown by, before we know what happened.
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The good news is, health and fitness is just like riding a bike; we never forget how to do the things we have done. If riding bikes, doing yoga, going to the gym, or cooking healthy was something that gave us pleasure before it will bring comfort again; all we need to do is do it.
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It is important to understand that the past is history; it is yesterday’s business and yesteryears memory. What has been done belongs where it is, an accomplishment. What will be is how we choose to empower ourselves today.
Easy steps to health:
· Take a walk: whenever the urge to move hits you get up and take a walk, even if it is to the kitchen for a glass of water or piece of fruit. Getting up and out is positive motion in action.
· Study an online course: the mind thrives on being challenged and fed. An online course of any kind will prime the pump and lead to positive healthy action.
· Go to the park: A stroll though the park will rekindle memories of childhood play and activities.
· Say yes: When the impulse to ride a bike, roller blade, and ice skate or shoot hoops arises, look for ways to make it happen rather than reasons why you cannot.
· Be Fearless: It is normal to be afraid of failure and change. Embrace emotional fear and turn it into excitement.
· Spice up your life: Change is the spice of life, break away from routine and do new things. Taste new foods, travel new roads, join new groups; change is positive and promotes growth.
Being and getting healthy and fit is not brain surgery, I believe every adult has been given the information to make the intelligent decisions required to be healthy. A healthy life style is a personal choice. Choice is our most powerful weapon in the quest to live a sane healthy life. We have the right to choose the way we want to live. Life is a perception; one person may see doom and gloom while another will see opportunity. Some wake up happy and ready for the excitement each new dawn brings while others greet each morning with a frown. Joy is not found in what we have it is in how we hold it.
Go have some fun,
Njut livet och var glad.
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