Thursday, May 3, 2012

Discovery part l.

I'm hungry

Wearing different hats is a part of being an adult; we are accountants when we reconcile our bills, a sage parent to our children, a sympathetic friend and a nurturing care taker at time of need. What complicates life is when the line between wearing a hat and living a role becomes blurred; when what we do becomes the mask of who we are.
look into my eyes

Over the years I have warn many mask; so many in fact, that it reached a point where I had forgotten my true identity.  It was not something I did with malice or deceit; I simply wanted to be somebody.

When I was a young boy I had a heartfelt sense of who I was and a picture in my mind of what my adult life would be unfortunately circumstances changed the roads course.  By the time I was a teen ager I found myself adrift like a boat without a ruttier or an ore and I was desperately in need of an anchor. 

Living without guidance led me to experiment with many different roles; some characters gave me more pleasure and were more rewarding than others.  It was not until I discovered what I truly believe in that I was able to understand who I am and experience genuine happiness. 

My Role Model
Sweets for the Sweet

I met D when I was 40 yrs old and six years into the search for my better self.  What I admire most about D is her sincerity and like Mr. Walken, D can’t escape herself; she is who she is in every role she plays and with every hat she wears whether it is as a mother, a pediatrician, administrator, or student Donya is the caretaker and is comfortable in her own skin, she knows who she is and is happy being D. I am happy to have her as my friend, lover and role model. Knowing D has made me a better person and been paramount in me find myself.

A Sons Identity

Phoenix 7yrs, D and Popee 13yrs and me@ 112kg/246lb

In 2002 when our son Popee was 4yrs old Donya and I hatched a 10 yr plan to have a 14 yr old Popee participates in the American High School system. The time has come and this fall Popee will be 14 yrs old in the USA attending an American High School. He is a proud American who has never lived in America.
D and popee at age 9

The Boy has always attended international schools with children from as many as 20 different countries and nationalities. The kids are typically asked where they are from and even before Popee had visited the USA he was quick to say he is an American. His Mother and I laughed about this until I decided it was time for him to get a better idea of what being an American really means.   
Popee age 9 and me at 150kg/330lb

In April of 2007 I took Popee to the USA for his Great American Road Trip. Four months and 15, 000 road miles later my proud American 8 year old son; who had previously never been to or seen the United States had seen and experienced most of what the travel blogs on American are written about; He visited four corners of the USA and points in between; the Northwest, Southwest, Mid West, South East, the North East and the North.  Red Woods, Disney Land and World, The Mojave Desert, the Grand Canyon and Grace Land, Bush Gardens and The Kennedy Space Station, the Smithsonian Institute, DC monuments and Mount Rushmore.

The Family In Bali Me @ 150kg/330lb

He went to the bade lands in the Dakotas, felt the power of the Niagara falls, watched old faithful blow its steam and visited the Space needle in Washington State.  He saw wild Moose in the marsh and herds of Elk grazing for grass. He rode the trolleys in San Francisco and enjoyed his first major league baseball game in Oakland.

D grilling burgers

My mission was to give him a reason to identify himself as an American.  What I learned from this experience was.

To be continued:

Go have some fun,
me @ 112kg/246lb with lil Dutch sister and Italian husband



  1. And the rest of the story. I know you've been working on this for awhile. I'm excited to read more

  2. And the rest of the story. I know you've been working on this for awhile. I'm excited to read more
