153kg/336lb |
The last six months has had me doing frequent long
haul international travel unlike I have ever experienced before. In Oct/Nov Donya and I went to the USA and I
did my Great American Food Challenge. Feb/March had me in the south of India
buying essential oils and arriving at my original travel destination from16 yrs
ago; Mysore and Ooty. I am writing this
Blog from my hotel in Bangkok as I prepare to depart for the USA where I will
explore the West Coast, East Coast, and Mid America. It is an understatement to
say that travel has affected my fitness training schedule.
My boys with Tingyu |
My journey to North America in November ended with a
slight increase in weight; 2kg/4.4lb. I have proceeded to add another 8kg/17.6lb
since then. I am up 10kg/22lb, and
feeling it; my clothes are stressing.
The increased girth is one issue and my goal weight is another; I am now
30kg/66lb away from my target weight.
I have been managing my weight and training for more
than a decade and the one constant during all the process of weight control is
gym time; training equals weight control for me. If I do not do the minutes the
weight scale climbs consequently my erratic schedule has had me yo-yoing 1kg/2.2lb
to 3kg/6.6lb with no continuous drops in more than 3 months.
just passing through |
I went through a short period of depression which
affected my training; I was going through the motions but I was not
present. I did all my routines but none
of them with zest or vigor and I was not getting results, my endurance was down;
I could not do 60 minutes cardio and I was feeling defeated. Then the inspirational sun began to shine and
I was motivated and ready to rebuild my strength and endurance and reach a the
240 minute mark.
dark skies never last |
The Other day I was on the elliptical machine pushing
myself at a 1,000 calorie kill per hour burn rate. I was into my 180th
minute of pure cross training, dripping wet and feeling strong; my body was
talking to me and I was proud to be back on track. I looked out the gyms window
and noticed the sun shining bright on a group of tanned tourist as they
strolled along the shore line; beer in hand and enjoying their holiday. That’s when I heard a voice say: “It is fun
to be fat” I had to smile and agree it is much more fun being fat then busting
my ass in the gym and I realized I was talking to myself.
climb the mountain |
Of course being fat is not fun. I hated the days
when I woke every morning angry and with pain; in my back, knees and feet. I never want to relive the time when I could
not tie my shoes without sitting and could not move without being winded. I cannot
imagine how I would ever want to be fat again or believe that being fat is fun.
it is important to be flexible |
I am a fatty, the same as an alcoholic is always an
alcoholic and a drug addict is a druggy. I am always a binge away from morbid obesity. The problem is my addictive personality, I do
not enjoy fragments; I want it all. My
subconscious is my enemy it blocks out all the truths and negatives of being
fat and romanticizes all the things that get me fat; drinking copious amounts beer,
and over indulging in my favorite pastas and desserts.
.JPG) |
there is always a way to find a way to move |
I am a fat man and if I want to be a fit, healthy
and happy fatty I cannot be emotional about food. I must make the smart choices; greens, reds
and yellows before white. Broiled, boiled and baked or steamed before fried. The truth is it is not too difficult to control
my weight as long as I stay alert and rational about my eating behavior. It is never fun being fat, it is fun getting fat and it is 10 times more
fun being a fit and healthy Fat Man in Paradise.
look at that smile |
Go have some
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