Friday, April 6, 2012

The Identity Crisis of Water

With the mixed messages we receive on the dangers and benefits of water I am beginning to think that it suffers from an identity crisis.   On one hand we are raised to fear it and on the other we are constantly told to use it.  I’ve lost count of all the times I was told, I was going to get sick if I did not get out of the water, to not swim alone, to cover up, to take an umbrella, to stay away from water.  Then I was continually badgered to use water; wash my hands, wash behind my ears, brush my teeth and flush the toilet.  Then in school it was romanticized with stories of the fountain of youth, exploring and discovering new worlds. 

Our perception of water has been programmed in two mental spheres the emotional and the rational. In my opinion the amount of water a person enjoys could be a direct result of which sphere enjoys the most control over our behavior. 
cousins popee and dax
When I first arrived in south East Asia I celebrated my 40th birthday on a small island called Gili Trawangan, east of Lombok Indonesia.  I remember one of my first conversations about the Indonesian language; I was soaking some rays on a powder white beach, watching the crystal clear waves roll to shore when an acquaintance looked over to me and said:” the Indonesians have a great word for water:” air.”  

It was one of those “hmm” moments innocuous yet with the potential for complex thinking, and deeper meaning.   
sun tea
Reasons to drink water:

Weight Control:  I went on a diet one of the 1st things I was told to do was drink water. It was explained to me that water was the easiest and fastest way to flush fat from my system.  Water suppresses apatite and has no calories.

More Efficient training:  water controls the body’s temperature and feeds the muscles while we train stimulating better performance and reducing fatigue.

Protects the Kidneys:  drinking plenty of water dilutes the salts and minerals that urine could turn into solids, preventing the development of a kidney stone

Clearer Thinking:  More than 80% of the brain is water, so it stands to reason that keeping the brain fueled helps with its functions such as concentration, memory, and alertness.

Rejuvenates skin:  The largest organ is skin and it likes water.  Keeping our skin hydrated helps with its elasticity, color, health and regeneration.

Regulates the Bowels:  Healthy menus have plenty of fiber, fiber and water are the winning combination in stimulating an efficient bowl system typically constipation is the result of insufficient water intake.

Pain free living:  Staying hydrated keeps the muscles and joints lubricated, the muscles are more efficient, grow stronger and reduce the risk of cramps and sprains.  Drinking water helps relieve the pain from headaches and back pain.

Affects our Mood: being properly hydrated keeps the body firing on all its cylinders, the more efficient  our body functions, the  less fatigue and stress is directed to our vital organs, the heart pumps better, blood flows more easily, we experience less pain and the brain feels happy.

Water is Life:  water is to our body as it is to the planet; a majority of our physical being.  We can survive much longer without whole foods then we can without water.  Water is a natural medicine.

I have never been very rational when it concerns water, I ignored the warnings to get out of the rain, carry an umbrella or swimming alone. Subconsciously I am drawn to water it floats my boat and is anchored in my emotional sphere; I live on an island.

Nic in the front garden
Feeling the grass between my toes; enjoy the fragrance of flowers or going for a swim are all ways I enjoy the benefits of water.  I also like to fill a glass with a few frozen cubes of the wonder fluid and top it off with a splash of whiskey. It’s all good and it is all about “air”

South island NZ

Go have some fun,


air adalah udara dan udara adalah air  

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